Retreat Facts

The Retreat at Seabranch was permitted to DiVosta by various county and state authorities using the following criteria. This information is taken from our Planned Unit Development (PUD) maps.

  • Our house slabs are built between 18.5 and 23 feet above sea level. Check your own house survey for your specific elevation and other interesting information.
  • We have ten lakes in the Retreat. Eight lakes are held by Control Structure at 15ft; one at 16ft and one at 14ft above sea level.

Retreat Land Use Allocations

(based on 313-acre total)
Residents 87.74 acres 28%
Roads & right of ways 22.4 acres 7.15%
Recreational parcel 2.96 acres .94%
Lakes & water bodies 55.89 acres 17.83%
Green/open space 144.42 acres 46.08%

Lot Development Criteria

Compiled by Dave Williams, October 2007
  Oakmont/Carlyle Capri III
Minimum Lot Area 6500 sq ft 4750 sq ft
Minimum Lot Width 50 ft 60 ft
Minimum Lot Length 135 ft 135 ft
Maximum Building Height 1 story or 35ft 1 story or 35ft
Maximum Lot Coverage bldg, pool, deck, drive 75% of total lot size

Retreat Map Facts

313.4 acre Area within our boundary. (Approximate area of 237 football fields including the end zones.)
4.83 miles
(25,000 ft)
Represents the Retreat perimeter. If you were to hike beginning at our entry and the Lost Lake/Doubletree entry, to the end of Lake 1 at the end of Angelina, proceed around the lake and walk the length of Lake 2 back to the end of Lake 2 across from the Clubhouse where the fence gate is located, this would be about 1/3 of your hike. Continue from the gate and follow the fence and drainage ditch the length of Eldorado, behind Lake 10 at the end of Eldorado. Then proceed east along Glacier Terrace and Hawks Nest, and continue following the fence behind the ends of La Creek and Maryhill and along Nicolete to our East Entry. To finish, hike back to the start point.
0.74 miles
(3900 ft)
Seawind School perimeter wall/fence
5.46 miles Retreat and Seawind perimeters, combined.
3.85 miles
(20,250 ft)
This is the approximate length of our privately owned paved street system. It would also follow that this number to a degree represents the length of water pipe, sewer pipe, cable and phone trunk lines, and electric power cable. Street and swale drainage pipe systems and lake pipe systems are probably twice that length. Irrigation piping and control wires are so many miles long that I can’t even guess.
0.84 miles The length of our drainage ditch located on our property. It begins by the fence gate across from the Clubhouse and ends at the Seawind ditch off-property behind Lake 10 at the end of Eldorado Way.

Zero Lot Line and Water Conditioners / Softeners

The Zero Lot Line exists and affects all owners of Oakmonts and Carlyles; Capri IIIs do not have one. It is the 3’1” strip of land that adjoins the blind side or blocking wall side of the homes. It begins (facing the home from the street) at the front corner of the garage and runs 3’1” wide to the rear property line.

Problems with water conditioners/softeners have been developing for the past several years and action by the Retreat Board of Directors and ACC is necessary to protect and maintain our community as a whole.

Click here for details and restrictions.


Information compiled by Dave Williams, January, 2007.
Aerial photo contributed by George Rebholz